Dental Anxiety
Bibliotherapy- the use of CBT-based life skills resources are a NICE recommended approach for helping people with mild to moderately severe depression.
Our award-winning range of books are also available as Kindle and Apple iBooks. You can print off our PDF cards to share recommended titles with your clients. Click on the ‘Recommend to Client’ button to access the specific PDF card for that book.
Each book also has linked to associated worksheets that you can use with clients or clients can print off themselves to practice techniques learned – visit

Helping Your Child Visit The Dentist
A 36 page guide for teenagers who aren’t to keen to visit the dentist. With engaging and straightfoward online worksheets that can be downloaded and printed directly via links in the book, you can learn how to prepare for and attend dental appointments with a plan. Jargon free and accessible, including over 20 colour illustrations that engage and inform. Clear, practical and helpful advice written by the award-winning team behind some of the World’s most used CBT resources. Visit to access free dental anxiety online courses and accompanying resources. You may also like; Write all over your bathroom mirror, Understanding your feelings, Doing things that make you feel better, Looking at things differently, Why does everything always go wrong, Building Inner Confidence, How to fix almost everything, The things you do that mess you up, 123 Breathe and 10 things you can do to feel happier straight away.

Your Teeth You Are In Control
A 36 page guide for teenagers who aren’t to keen to visit the dentist. With engaging and straightfoward online worksheets that can be downloaded and printed directly via links in the book, you can learn how to prepare for and attend dental appointments with a plan. Jargon free and accessible, including over 20 colour illustrations that engage and inform. Clear, practical and helpful advice written by the award-winning team behind some of the World’s most used CBT resources. Visit to access free dental anxiety online courses and accompanying resources. You may also like; Write all over your bathroom mirror, Understanding your feelings, Doing things that make you feel better, Looking at things differently, Why does everything always go wrong, Building Inner Confidence, How to fix almost everything, The things you do that mess you up, 123 Breathe and 10 things you can do to feel happier straight away.