New Mums and Mums-to-be
Bibliotherapy- the use of CBT-based life skills resources are a NICE recommended approach for helping people with mild to moderately severe depression.
Our award-winning range of books are also available as Kindle and Apple iBooks. You can print off our PDF cards to share recommended titles with your clients. Click on the ‘Recommend to Client’ button to access the specific PDF card for that book.
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Enjoy Your Baby
You were hoping for a fairy tale – but what you got was poo….14 days- 14 changes – just two weeks to getting better. Every time you turn a couple of pages in this book we suggest one change in your life, your thoughts, your routine or your relationships. There are 14 changes altogether in this 64 page book, with associated online worksheets that can be downloaded and printed directly via links in the book. Written by an international expert in CBT and award-winning author, the content uses the evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) approach. The book can be used alone, but also covers all the core content of the successful Enjoy your Baby course, delivered in NHS and voluntary sector settings in the UK and North America. This book is part of an 8 session online course at and the Living Life to the Full series of books. Also consider; Write all over your bathroom mirror, Why do I feel so bad, I can’t be bothered doing anything, Why does everything always go wrong, I’m not good enough, How to fix almost everything, The things you do that mess you up, Are you strong enough to keep your temper and 10 things you can do to feel happier straight away.