People living with long term health conditions
Bibliotherapy- the use of CBT-based life skills resources are a NICE recommended approach for helping people with mild to moderately severe depression.
Our award-winning range of books are also available as Kindle and Apple iBooks. You can print off our PDF cards to share recommended titles with your clients. Click on the ‘Recommend to Client’ button to access the specific PDF card for that book.
Each book also has linked to associated worksheets that you can use with clients or clients can print off themselves to practice techniques learned – visit

Reclaim Your Life
Your life … is more important than your illness. Would you like it back? Even if you are bed-bound, depressed, chronically fatigued, or unable to see or get about, this ebook will help.
If you’ve had a diagnosis that frightens you – that might even feel like a death sentence – or if you’re struggling after years of impaired mobility, we have a way to help you feel a bit better each day. Cancer Disability, Chronic Pain, ME, Fatigue, Recurring illness, Unexplained symptoms, Depression, MS, Stroke, Sight impairment, Poor mobility.. this ebook is for you.