Those who wish to stop smoking, cut drinking, or lose weight
Bibliotherapy- the use of CBT-based life skills resources are a NICE recommended approach for helping people with mild to moderately severe depression.
Our award-winning range of books are also available as Kindle and Apple iBooks. You can print off our PDF cards to share recommended titles with your clients. Click on the ‘Recommend to Client’ button to access the specific PDF card for that book.
Each book also has linked to associated worksheets that you can use with clients or clients can print off themselves to practice techniques learned – visit

Stop Smoking in 5 Minutes
You know what’s wrong with most books about giving up smoking? It’s that they tell you lots of stuff you know already. This book is different. It doesn’t go on about cancer, or heart disease or how you’ll no longer smell like a chimney. No preaching- but maximum information about how to deal with the one factor that messes up most people’s good intentions to cut down and stop smoking – craving.
Learn how to use Your Thing – and beat craving.
Written by a top cognitive behavioural therapist, and reviewed by smoking cessation experts this new book will give you the tools you need to tackle craving.
Get started now.

Live Longer – Have a Heart Attack
What changes would you make in your life if you had a heart attack?
Get fitter? Lose some weight? Give up smoking?
This ebook will help you make changes to your diet, activity levels and weight and to make all those changes you would make if you really had a heart attack – but without the inconvenience of actually having to have one!